Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ethan,Baseball and Pedito

The other day, mom and I were cleaning the kitchen and we left Ethan watching his Mickey Mouse clubhouse movie. When we walked through the living room this is what we found. I was so surprised to see Pedito climbed up to sit next to Ethan. He has become a pro at annoying and chasing the dog. He has been loving every minute of it, but I can't help but feel bad for the dog.

Sweet smiles and even Pedito recognizing the camera. Really is there a cuter couple?

And now we are way to engrossed in the movie to pay attention to mom and the camera. Notice also that his binkie is NOT in his mouth! He is only allowed to have it when he is getting ready for bed, granted if you look really close, you'll see that he is eating a string cheese. Food sometimes wins over the binkie!

Ethan has had so much fun watching baseball with Grandpa. He has a little bat and has to have it in his hand when there is a game on. He hasn't quite mastered the fundamentals of how to actually hold the bat. I know that daddy has worked on it with him, but somehow that has slipped his mind.

Batting in action ends up looking like this. He is now realizing that in order to hit like a pro, it helps if you aren't sitting on a chair. That and holding the bat just right usually helps too. Ethan is into bringing a bigger ball to me so that I can throw it and he can practice his swing. It normally goes something like: mom throws, the ball hits the bat, Ethan swings late. A few times he has gotten the timing down to swinging when the ball is in front of the bat and then sometimes the ball ends up in the crook of his arm.
We really have been so lucky to be with Grandparents while Ryan is away. Ethan has learned so much from them. He has loved helping grandma do the laundry and loves to be watching his sports with Grandpa. We are looking forward to spending some family holidays with all of our family and loved ones. Seeing how we haven't been home for Christmas in six years!! We just wish that Daddy could be here with us.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Dog Tired

Most of these pictures are for Ryan. I know that it has taken me a while to upload them. So what happened was, I lost my charger and I haven't been able to download any pictures. I was able to buy a new one and these pictures are from Washington and our first day in Oregon. Yes I know, Ethan is wearing the same outfit in both pictures and they were taken almost 3 weeks apart. What is a mother to do? So here Ethan was so tired and he was refusing to go to bed. He wanted to stay and play with some cousins. As Amanda and I were folding clothes, he just layed down on the arm of the chair and fell asleep. How adorable is that little arm hanging off the side!?!

This is what Ethan did as soon as we walked into Grandma and Grandpa Clark's house. Ran straight to the dog and was so excited to play he didn't know what to do, so he showed me how strong he was. I was actually trying to get him to smile and I got these "stoned" face from him. In order to get him to show you his "tricks" there is an order and that order is strong, smile, giving 5, pound it and then..hiccups. And here he is doing the beginning of the 5. I really am so proud!

"So Strong!!"

And finally, the smile! Or some of one. And yes, his smile is squinting his eyes. What a character.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

More Labor Day Weekend

"Go Team!!! C'mon Gramps, you can do it too!!! "

So we had a ball Labor Day weekend. I didn't get to finish uploading all of our pictures and I'm hoping we get to now. Ethan and I arrived to Oregon the Thursday before Labor Day Weekend. Friday we left to Washington. We were able to visit with lots of family. The best was Ethan was just starting to get into his sports. Here he is watching some football with Grandpa. He found this little red rocking chair and just had to sit in it. Once again, watching some football with Grandpa. He has just loved being with his grandparents while daddy is away. I was really amazed at how well he warmed up to so many new faces in such a short time. I guess they really do remember who loves them.
A few weeks ago I posted Grandma reading to him about the hiccups. Here he was just being a ham for the camera. Grandma was reading, yet again, "Hiccups for Elephant" to Ethan. He loves to be read to!
Earlier that day we went and visited with Uncle Bob and Aunt Sharon. Ethan wanted to color and Aunt Sharon was more than happy to oblige. So here he is smiling for the camera and just having some good fun!

He really did enjoy himself. I was so surprised how well he sat there and colored and drew and just all around did a great job. It was pretty late when we started for home and what a trooper he was!

I just love how he smiles in these pictures and how happy he is. He is such a great baby!

"Let's see if I can find more colors to use?!"

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

We have had so much fun playing with family these past few weeks while we have been in Oregon and Washington. This last weekend we went to visit Ryan's grandparents for the Labor Day Weekend. I don't know who had more fun, Ethan or the Grandparents!? Sunday evening, Grandma Clark was able to sit Ethan down long enough to read some stories to him. The book was about an Elephant who gets the hiccups. For those of you who haven't seen, one of Ethan's greatest tricks is getting the hiccups. We couldn't resist, the picture opportunity and the video. I don't know how well you can see this, but, he is making himself hiccup as grandma is reading to him. I know, what fun!

"Thanks grandma for the great story!"

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Birthdays and fun

Since we've been closer to family, we've been able to actually do family things. Our dear and sweet Kellee, Ben's wife, had a birthday party at Tomato Street. They had a chalk board for the kids to write on. We were so lucky to have something to distract Ethan while everyone else was finishing up dinner and enjoying each others company.

Ethan is a pro at drawing on the board. Also at erasing. He has so much fun and is so curious about anything and everything that is going on. Gotta love our little man.
Happy Birthday Kellee.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Picnic and Playtoy Fun.

The other day we had a family picnic in the park and we had so much fun. Ethan got to play with his cousins and he couldn't get enough! What was great about this play toy was the tunnels and the dinosaur, the slides and the running back and forth. It took him a while to get the gist of what to do, but once he did, he loved every second of it.
He would walk up each step and say "Step, step, step." till he reached the top. After I tool this picture of him on the slide he looked up and smiled. Of coarse he would wait till I had already snapped the picture. Oh well, what is a mother to do. He had so much fun!

They also had one of the cyclone slides. Ethan would climb the Dino and race as fast as he could to go through the tunnel to slide down. No fear what so ever with this kid! He got to a point where he didn't want to go down on his bottom, he slid down on his tummy, feet first. I tell you, I don't know what we are going to do with this kid!

The older boys would follow the kids around and pretend to scare them. This is one of the times that Ethan was trying to get away. They were all laughing so hard and just having a ball. Later that night, Ethan and I went back to play on the toys, after we had eaten, and some other kids were playing too. Ethan would chase them around and make monster noises because he wanted to play like the big boys again. He really had so much fun!
As we were eating dinner, Ethan had seen some birds flying by and wanted to chase them around. We walked up and down the path for a good 45 mins. just so we could try to catch a bird. I think he only had 2 bites of his supper and the rest of the time was playing. When we got home, I don't think he had anything else to eat that day. He was so tired, but wanted to play some more. What a kid! Bless his little heart, he just can't get enough of running and playing. While we were chasing birds, he decided he wanted to march instead of run. Then we tried walking backwards for a bit. I'm pretty sure that one day soon he is going to start skipping.
This is a picture of Ethan trying to going through the tunnel to get away from the older boys. Really he was headed for the slide. Also one of the last rides down the slide, it seems to be a shocking experience for him. But did I mention how much fun he had?

Life in Washington

As most of you know, Ryan has been sent away once again to the UAE for another six month deployment. Amanda came to help Ryan and I pack the house up and move west. We left New Jersey the 12th of August and made it to Spokane on the 15th. Poor Ethan was so tired on our travels he would lay on his pillow in the bed and just crash. This was in two different hotel rooms. Both after 10 hour days driving in the car. He did so good! What a trooper he is. I can't believe that he just layed down and went to sleep.

You can see that he had to be surrounded by pillows. This hotel was awesome! It was like a castle from the medieval times. Ethan had a ball walking the halls and looking at the murals on the wall of horses and knights jousting.
I wish I could say that these were taken in the hotel. Ryan thought that Ethan needed a new hair do, and this was the result. Do I need to say more? As for this other one, Ethan has learned from us, that you push buttons on this thing and it changes the TV. He is watching the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (his favorite) in his chair, with the remote. Need I say more with how terribly cute he is? Granted the play room needs some work, but all in all, he loves to play in his room.
Ethan and I will be staying with family for the next six months. Some time here in Washington and some in Oregon with Ryan's family. Ryan has also decided to not re-enlist, so he will be getting out of the military around March. We have applied for some jobs out west and we are hoping to be able to return to school. Ryan is almost done with his AA and we are hoping to have him use some of his time away from us to focus on finishing up. Luckily, Ryan is with his brother-in-law Ed and they have been able to spend some time together. I'm also hoping that it will help make some of the time go faster for the two of them.
We are so lucky to have such a supportive family and have a life so full of love. I'll try to keep up with the posts and getting all done that needs to be done. Enjoy our little family!

Family vacation again

So much has happened and I am so far behind, I hope that this will catch some of you up. Mom got married this last June, and we were able to come home and spend some time. These are some of the pics from this last visit. Mom and Carlos and the family, minus my oldest sister and her family. We sure did miss them.

I love these pictures of Ethan. He had so much fun playing at Uncle Ben's house. We were playing on the Wii and Ethan had to have his turn. Really is there anything more adorable than a boy and being super happy. He found Kellee's Swifer and had to swifer the floor too. He has turned in to a ball of fun! We truly are blessed to have him in our lives.

These are probably some of the best pictures that I own. I love that Ethan is wanting to be just like his daddy. Some day I hope to have Ethan do his own playing on the Wii and then Ryan and him can just have fun and play.
While we were there, we spent the day with my Dad and the family in Moses Lake. Max and Walter and Ryan were playing ball and Ethan wanted to join in. So they humored him and let him play with them for a while. I love this!!! Ethan had so much fun palying ball with dad! Our little football player in the making. Can you be any cuter?!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Travels, family fun and Home

We have had such a fun trip. I can't believe that we are finally home. We had so much fun and have loved spending time with our family. Mom's Wedding was wonderful and she seems to be so happy. It was so great being able to see family that we haven't seen in so long. Ethan had so much fun meeting and playing with new cousins. We took so many pictures that I hope we have time to post them all.

Ethan travels so well. He loved the plane ride and all the car rides from there. I would like to say that our trip started off on a good foot, but we almost missed our plane out of Philly and I thought it was foreshadowing of what was to come. Luckily, we barely made the flight, but we did make it.
We arrived in Washington, no problems and we were happy to rest. We left to visit mom and meet Carlos for the first time. We had so much fun making the center pieces with Katie and Kelli. We were able to visit with Aunt Beth too. I am so grateful for family and knowing no matter how far away we end up, we are always family.

So I have tons of pictures to share, but I can't find my charger for my camera, so your only going to get the last of the trip. Shocker, missing something, us?

After Spokane, we headed down to Bev and Dad's and what a ball! Dad made homemade Root Beer and it was so good. We went to the park and had a great family picnic. Grandma was there and it was so good to see her too. Ryan and Ethan were playing ball in the park with Walter and Max.

We headed to Oregon after that for the Fourth of July. We all had fun getting festive for the parade and all of the festivities of the day. Ryan was a hit with the kids and Katie was our Lady of the Day. I don't know what happened to her tiara, but she sure was cute wearing one.

Ethan has found his favorite chair at Grandma and Grandpa Clark's. He was eager and willing to share with Daddy, just as long as he was able to move. We all had such a great time, Ethan loved playing with cousins and being with the big kids.

At the airport on our way home, Ethan was able to play and had so much fun. He was watching some of the other kids jumping and just wanted to play with them. I won't bore you with all the pics and details, but he was so tired after playing, he fell right to sleep once we boarded the plane. Thank goodness for family friendly flying!

From Seattle, we went to Salt Lake, where we had a 4 hr layover. This was one of our most favorite stops. Because we were there for 4 hrs, we choose to go to Temple Square. It was a beautiful sunny day and just gorgeous outside. This was Ryan's first visit to the square as well as Ethan's. We didn't get to see everything, but what we did see left us wanting more.

As I was taking these pictures, I couldn't help but realize how lucky I am to have the eternal family that I think all little girls dream of. I was overwhelmed with the love that I have for my family, seeing Ethan and Ryan walking around the temple grounds. I truly am blessed to have such a beautiful family and know that they love me in return. I can't help but love these pictures as I see the innocence in Ethan. There really are no words to say as to how precious our lives have become with Ethan in it. I'm sure you will all agree with me with what a beautiful boy the Lord has entrusted to us.

Thank you to all our family for sharing with us and letting Ethan be a part of your lives too. We truly had a wonderful time visiting and sharing our time with you. It's been trying staying in touch with such a huge time difference. We love you all and can't wait to see you all again. I will try to get some of our other pictures up as soon as we can.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


I wish that instead of just one day devoted to Fathers, that all fathers would be honored the same everyday. I am so blest to have such a devoted husband and father to our son Ethan. He has shown so much love to us. I am so grateful to have Ryan as the father of our child and future children. He shows patience, kindess and firmness.
Thanks to all the fathers out there giving and sacrificing for their families like my sweetie does for us. I love that Ryan and Ethan are two peas in a pod. They had so much fun being together after a week apart. Daddy we love you.

I am so grateful to have all of the fathers in my life. Thank you to all for your love and support and for allowing me to become the woman that I am today. Thank you for your encouragement and examples that have given me the wings to fly and do what I need to do. I love you all and I can not imagine a world without fathers in it. Thanks.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Meet my family

So for all of my sweet and wonderful friends who have shown back up into my life, let me introduce you to my family.
Ryan and I met after the mission and married May 24, 2003. Right after we married, he joined the Air Force which has moved us to McGuire AFB in New Jersey.

As most of you know, Ryan and I met in Oregon. While I was in the mission, my family moved there. I went home to the Oregon Coast, 3 weeks later Ryan came home. He served in the Lima East Peru mission. It was so weird hearing him speak Spanish, it sounded like he wanted to speak Italian, but missing in so many ways. It didn't matter, I was an instant fan.

We have been so blest to have wonderful friends and family in our lives. Being in the military, Ryan has deployed twice and will be leaving again this August for another 6 months. Luckily, he is going somewhere safe. We love being able to rely on loved ones for the support and reality checks!

After 4 1/2 years of marriage and lots of testing, we found out that we were pregnant. Father's Day 2007 was the best father's day for the both of us. To say the least, I am not a glowing pregnant woman. I'm a hippopotamus that retains way to much water, combined with a duck who can't walk straight, and that is the way that I looked. And no, I am not over exaggerating

We found out in November that Ryan would be deploying in January of the following year for 6 months. We tried to see if he could stay home long enough for the birth of our son. They told us no and 2 weeks later, Ethan Ryan Clark was born. 8lbs 5 oz. 21 inches long. He was a beautiful healthy baby boy. We stayed in the hospital for a week, we both were a little sick, and the doctor didn't want us to leave until he was sure we would be okay. This picture is the first with Ryan and Ethan together. Ryan got home in July and August 2008, we went back to where we met, Rockaway Beach Oregon, his home town and had a family reunion with his family.

Ethan is such a fun and loving baby boy. He is all boy! We have had so much fun with him and watching him grow and learn. He loves music, playing the piano, baseball, football, playing outside on the slides and swings. He is in love with Mickey Mouse! I have to say I'm kind of excited about that one. The other day he discovered birds. I had to take some video of that one. I'll try to post it. But for now, here is our miracle.

Enjoy our little ray of sunshine and remember its the simple things in life that brings us joy!
We do! All our love.